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    We Fight for Rights

    Lawyers, in protecting the rights of their clients and in promoting the cause of justice, shall seek to uphold human rights and fundamental freedoms recognized by national and international law.

  • Specialist in Law

    Because We Care

    You will be treated with professional courtesy, respect and fairness, regardless of your race, nationality, age, gender, orientation or disability.

Get a Free Consultation for RAF and Medical Negligence Matters.


Respect. Result.

Our Firms provides exceptional client service, We have positive word-of-mouth, We embrace technology, and have a team with expertise that is consistent with the firm's mission, we bare all markers of a successful law firm. Perhaps most pivotal is ensuring you have these markers of success working for you as our client. We have a great practice management system as our backbone. Our Firm invests in innovative practice management systems that are able to spend less time tending to administrative and technical tasks and can focus on providing exceptional client service and nurturing our staff.

Civil Litigation

Civil litigation is a term that applies to any legal dispute where two or more parties are seeking monetary damages or a specific performance and does not include criminal accusations.

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A divorce is a legal separation of a couple. If you have a civil marriage your divorce will be dissolved using the Divorce Act.

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Personal Injury Law

Personal injuries include every variety of injury to a person's body or reputation, as contradistinguished from injury to property rights, e.g Road Accident Fund Claims, Train injuries etc...

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Let Our Experience
be Your Guide

Mrs Loselo obtained her LLB from The University of SA (Unisa), served articles at the office of the State Attorney Pretoria. Worked as a Legal Officer for the South African Police Service. Admitted as an attorney in 2015, practiced since 2017 at Tshukefana Loselo Inc where her focus area was Unlawful Arrest / Detention, Divorce,Administration of Deceased Estates, Civil Litigation, Medical Negligence and Criminal Litigation.

Our Firm has vast Analytical and research skills. As Lawyers we rely heavily on our ability to perform deep research into topics related to cases we work on. We have excellent Attention to detail as every case / client receives the same level of priority and care for their matter. We have retained all our clients to date further suggesting on how all our clients have been receiving an exceptional service.

Our Firm, at the core resides Organisational Skills to rival all other Law Firms, we understand there are ample choices in terms of our competitors, unlike our competition though, Time spent to conclude Cases is pivotal, no case is left hanging, we communicate with you every step of the way and you are most welcome to have a consultation every step of the way. We invest all our efforts in ensuring cases are resolved as urgently as possible.

Law Stats

Our Country

South Africa has a mixed legal system - a hybrid of Roman Dutch civilian law, English common law, customary law and religious personal law.


Chapters in South African Constitution


Police Stations in South African


National Procecuting Authority Budget


Judges in Constitutional Court


High Courts in South Africa


South African Constitution Signed

Quotes about the Law

Latest News

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Years of Democracy
Our Motto

The word 'democracy' comes from the Greek word demokratia

South Africa is a constitutional democracy. Since the end of apartheid in 1994, it has been regarded globally as a proponent of human rights and a leader on the African continent.



What are the qualifications of a lawyer?

Everyone who wishes to become an attorney in South Africa must begin by completing their LLB, which can be no less than four years in length. They must attend an institution in South Africa unless they have already completed an LLB from an institution from an approved country. The designated countries approved in South Africa currently are Swaziland, Namibia, Lesotho and the former Bophuthatswana, Venda, Transkei, and Ciskei states. If you have an LLB from any other country, then you need to approach a South African law school for assessment of your law degree as credit towards a South African one.

What can a lawyer do for me?

Attorneys handle a large variety of affairs for individuals, businesses, associations and corporations. These include work in the field of business and corporate law; civil and criminal litigation; property transactions; taxation; estate planning; and business as well as personal advice. Many attorneys consider themselves to be general practitioners, however, as a result of the increasing complexity of life, the trend is towards specialisation. Therefore, there are attorneys who specialise in either commercial or criminal cases, or who focus on litigation, estate planning or tax-related matters.

What is legal advice?

Legal advice applies the law, including statute and case law and legal principles to a particular situation. It provides recommendations about what course of action would best suit the facts of the case and what the person wants to achieve.

How much will my lawyer cost?

Fees must be reasonable
In terms of Rule 28 of the Rules for the Attorneys’ Profession a practitioner is entitled to a reasonable fee for professional services rendered.

Coetzee v Taxing Master, South Gauteng High Court and Another (2010/14197) [2012] ZAGPJHC 175; 2013 (1) SA 74 (GSJ) (19 September 2012)

[10] “The payment by a client to the client’s own attorney is not aimed at a ‘full indemnity’, but rather is aimed at payment of a reasonable recompense for services rendered”.

The tariff in Rule 70 is not binding on attorney and own client scale costs, and is merely a guide for taxation.

[29] In exercising the discretion to determine a reasonable rate for time charges for services rendered the practice is to have regard to:

Fees charged by other legal practitioners,
The seniority of the attorney
The time taken over the work
The nature of the work performed
These guidelines should always be applied in determining the reasonableness of the practitioner’s fee regardless the outcome or the value of the claim and any agreement that caters for an inappropriately large fee could be subject to review and be found to be unenforceable.

How do I choose which lawyer is right for me?

What Questions Should I Ask a Lawyer Before Hiring Them?
The types of questions you ask may vary, depending on your situation, but here are a few suggestions:

What is your legal specialty?
How and how often do you bill?
Can you tell me whether I have a strong case without having to spend a lot of money?
How often will you update me on the status of my case?
What are my responsibilities as a client?

Road Accident Fund

Who is entitled to make a claim?

The following are entitled to make a claim:

A person who sustained a bodily injury in the accident (except a driver who was the sole cause of the accident);

A dependent of a deceased breadwinner;

A close relative of the deceased who paid for the funeral; and

A claimant under the age of 18 years must be assisted by a parent, legal guardian or curator.

What is the time period in which to submit a claim?

Identified claims (claims where the identity of the driver or owner of the guilty motor vehicle is known) must be lodged with the Fund within 3 years from the date of the accident and must be finalised within 5 years from the date of accident.

Hit and Run claims (claims where the identity of the driver or owner of the guilty motor vehicle is unknown) must be lodged with the Fund within 2 years from the date of the accident and must be finalised within 5 years from the date of accident.

Claims in terms of an undertaking certificate issued in terms of section 17(4)(a)(ii) of the Act must be lodged and finalised within 5 years from the date on which services were rendered to the injured.

What can you claim in terms of the undertaking?

Subject to the terms and conditions of the undertaking certificate, the injured, or the supplier, may claim the costs of accommodation in a hospital or nursing home or treatment of or rendering of a service or supplying of goods to the injured.

Where emergency medical treatment is provided to the injured (that is treatment to save the injured's life or a bodily function) the Fund's liability to compensate the injured or the supplier, as the case may be, is determined in accordance with a prescribed tariff; and

Where the treatment provided is of a non-emergency nature the Fund will compensate the reasonable necessary costs of the treatment to the injured, or the supplier, as the case may be.

What documents must be submitted with the claim?

This will depend on the type of the claim which is submitted as indicated below:

A tax invoice for medical expenses.

A Service contract, certified copy of the employee's ID and proof of the costs being incurred for a domestic worker, caregiver and/or gardener.

Details of the vehicle that is being used to transport the injured including the name of the owner and driver, purchase price of the vehicle, type, make and model of the vehicle, Distance traveled and tax invoice from the service provider.

Proof of the costs of special school fees, transport to and from the school and hostel fees before the accident together with the current costs (Tax invoice)

Approved building plans of the house before the accident, photos of the areas which need to be altered and at least 2 fully specified reasonable quotes for the proposed building costs.

Does RAF pay costs my medical aid paid ?

Yes, you can furnish authorization to the Fund to make payment of the costs directly to your medical aid or you can arrange with your medical to pay them back once the Fund has made payment to you.

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